Struggling to stay healthy lately? Don’t know where to start? Here are some healthy habits that you can start today.
Have Breakfast
This is one meal you don’t want to skip out on. Breakfast is named that for a reason. Break your fast and grab something quick to eat.
Exercise at Every Chance
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise during commercials. Do a deskercise. Whatever it is, get on your feet. Sitting down for a long period of time can be just as unhealthy as smoking.
Go Offline
After checking out Lovin’ Nutrition’s social media, take a break from social media. Rest your eyes. When it comes time for sleep, avoid your phone for the last half hour before you go to bed or download an app, such as Twilight, that lowers the blue light that comes from your phone.
Get Outside
The weather is beautiful at long last. During the long winter months, going outside sounded like a nightmare because, well, it was. Now, get excited for melting snow and sunshine as spring hits us hard.
Limit the Alcohol
This may be obvious, but when the weekend hits don’t go right to getting drunk with friends. Grab a board game and water and have fun the old fashioned way.
Keep at these easy habits and who knows, maybe you’ll live longer. Let us know below if there’s any healthy habits you struggle with.